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Butterfly - different view

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Butterfly - different view tattoo
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Butterfly - different view tattoo
posted by Anna
This is just a different view. I was too lazy to say what it symbolizes in my other pic, so I'll say it here XD. Caterpillars turn into a cocoon, then emerge as a beautiful butterfly. I think of myself this way, since I've hit a couple bumps in life, but I feel that I rose above them and became stronger and more beautiful because of them. :D It also symbolizes coming out of your shell and showing the world your true colors. 
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1 to 5 of 7 comments

disturbdink disturbdink 2010-01-13
I luv this i have a butterfly to symblize the same thing, choices and such i really like the coloring and it is a bright wonderful tat, you should be happy with it.
Anna Anna 2009-10-25
Yeah I guess you're right. My bad!
Moonchakka Moonchakka 2009-10-25
I really like your butterfly. The colors are great. One thing though, a butterfly does not make a cocoon, it makes a chrysalis. Moths and some other insects make cocoons, but not butterflies. I Just thought you'd want to know that sense you have one. :)
KevDog KevDog 2009-10-25
I love you. Will you marry me?
Spider Spider 2009-10-06
i have about 25 answers for you

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