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b4&after2 tattoo
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b4&after2 tattoo
posted by Syko-Mojo
I had attempted 4 removals before I gave up and decided to cover it up with another Tat. What do you think? I think it covered up pretty good. 
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Arty_D_Artist Arty_D_Artist 2011-10-25
wrong,so so wrong. :'
Moonchakka Moonchakka 2009-08-15
I have to agree with most, this sucks as a cover up. My first tattoo was a tribal when I was 17. I wish I could get rid of it, tribal tattoos suck. At this point I would say throw some color in the negative space and maybe it will hide the old tattoo.
mikee mikee 2009-06-16
fill in the gaps of the black with red so u cant see any of the original work on there, the red shading will give the usual boring tribal a bit of an edge.
Matt13 Matt13 2009-06-11
what was the original tat? it looks like chewbacca dressed as the grim reaper.
Bunny Bunny 2009-02-10
hi i just had a tribal covered and it was not easy. I don't understand why you paid for removal just to cover with a tribal. Some artists are just to lazy to come up with something original and then mark you with tribal unless you really wanted that?

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