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Wheel of Chaotic Navigation tattoo
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1 to 12 of 12 comments

egg egg 2015-02-26
Here I am 8 years later. I am still alive. I am a different man and still totally proud of this ink and the decision that it represents... that I can live on with a grin no matter what kind of pain or terrible experience I am faced with.
Ink Ink 2009-01-01
wow you must have been thirsty and dirty several days without water or going to the toilet i bet you stunk of poo and BO
lemonchild45 lemonchild45 2008-06-23
That's deep...
I really like the ink though. It's totally unique, and obviously really important to you. Oh, and beautifully done as well :)
Nate Nate 2008-05-03
cool tat, in the words of a great man "stop whinning"
NIK NIK 2007-11-24
ok tat but it sounds like you chickened out and came up with a cover story. Jump, its worth it, I'll catch you........
Fredrik Fredrik 2007-10-08
Nice back tat.. I really like your story behind it. Nice!
egg egg 2007-10-08
5. ... only darkness, and the hope that the memory of what you think you saw was real. When the lightning flashes again you find you were off course, and you adjust. Repeat forever. That is chaotic navigation:)
egg egg 2007-10-08
4. ...ever provided is the illumination of the landscape by the occasional bolt of lightning that tears through the sky. In these flickering moments of clarity the course of the ship can be adjusted. Then...
egg egg 2007-10-08
3. A friend of mine who is a mason once analyzed this tat and said he thought it was all about balance. The analogy that I gave is that you could think of it as the helm of a ship that goes blind through a raging and relentless storm. The only direction...
egg egg 2007-10-08
2. In this image the eye of Thoth is being eclipsed by shadow - dark night of the soul. The wooden spears bolted in to a polished metal disc represent combining old and new technologies to escape the ontological storm through fighting it.
egg egg 2007-10-08
1. The eye of Ra (the right eye of horus) represents solar energy, reason and mathematics. The eye of thoth (left eye of horus) represents lunar, flowing, emotional energy. Together they are like the eastern yin/yang.
OldGill OldGill 2007-10-07
well....i must say that you made a good choice....but i don't understand the tattoo quite yet.....whats the puropse of the Raw symbol?

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