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Open Question: i want this tattoo but i dont want to completely copy it. help me make it unique ?
so i want this tattoo heres the link to tattoo http://inkbitetattoos.deviantart.com/art/Pain-is-Temporary-176440052 i dont want to completely copy this tattoo how can i make it different and uniqu
Open Question: Facial tattoos... WTF?
Open Question: How bad does my tattoo look?
It's a home tattoo, (big mistake) I just wanted to know if i over criticize it or it's really shit. I have others professionally done, this one's getting fixed soon. I just want honest opinions fro
Open Question: How bad does my tattoo look?
http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=izua37&s=5 http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2w562vr&s=5 And in my Avi are the only ones where I can find a decent looking shot of it. It says with hope comes faith,
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Comments made by adam
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1 to 15 of 51 comments

adam adam 2007-08-07 adam tattoo
lol @ lips
here are my observations
1) the lips were sliced up with a razor or something
2) her hair is jet black with white streaks
3) on the right side of her face she has a cancerous lump that needs to be excised
Keep practicing though
adam adam 2007-07-10 adam tattoo
palm tree on a desert island w/ boat floating behind it?
adam adam 2007-07-09 adam tattoo
The sword is out of perspective somehow. It's like it's getting bigger as it goes from hilt to tip, but not only bigger, it's also kind of bending away from the viewer. Kanji is overdone and you're going to regret it. Nice blossoms and vertex though.
adam adam 2007-07-09 adam tattoo
go bigger.
adam adam 2007-07-09 adam tattoo
i'm going out on a limb to guess it used to be a sun.
adam adam 2007-07-09 adam tattoo
you're going to have to get your coverup covered up
adam adam 2007-07-08 adam tattoo
It's funny that so many people think kat von d is the best portrait artist in the world because she's on (or used to be on) TV. She is the Queen of the Tards. Good work anyway though.
adam adam 2007-07-05 adam tattoo
i don't remember kobain being cross-eyed
adam adam 2007-07-05 adam tattoo
it's very pretty, good contrast in the colors. different
adam adam 2007-07-05 adam tattoo
is that your boyfriend's name?
adam adam 2007-07-05 adam tattoo
adam adam 2007-06-27 adam tattoo
it's ZOMBIE EINSTEIN! zombie einstein is hungry for brains!
seriously why is he green?
adam adam 2007-05-31 adam tattoo
nikko hurtado is an awesome artist. I emailed his shop asking for an appointment. They emailed back and told me to call the shop. So I called the shop and they told me if i want an appointment to send them an email. wtf?
adam adam 2007-03-12 adam tattoo
my first thought on seeing it was PRISON TAT
adam adam 2007-03-12 adam tattoo
boobs are crappy, neck is super long, dress doesn't flow right.

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