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Family Name Loke tattoo
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1 to 15 of 94 comments

Tat2Tyme Tat2Tyme 2012-09-03
wtf..lol... I thought people in the CORE had better abs..lol...hahahahaa
brett parrish brett parrish 2011-03-26
for 500 dollars ud think the artist,( if thats what we wanna call em),would take more pride in hid work.... im sorry he did u like that.
Chuck Dank Chuck Dank 2010-08-31
I prefer Pepsi.
ToMmYbOy ToMmYbOy 2010-02-28
ur cuz leo is a fucking thief and a scratcher,what the fuck did you do wrong to him to make him wanna scratch u bad,your a fucktard,leo is a fucktard and u should be chemically castrated so u cant procreate fucktard,neck yaself ya deadshit cunt
Carimm Carimm 2010-01-17
Nice COKE tattoo you jackass. I bet you got that after commenting on everyone's tattoos. I call BS, that's not even you. A homeless jail artist wouldn't charge you 10 bucks for that shit.
davy davy 2009-12-28
thats a woman there wearing a pink top
Killbot Killbot 2009-12-02
Wow. It looks like 'LORE' That's one helluva belly rocker there. Fail.
Damon Damon 2009-11-30
is that a COKE ZERO, maybe you should be on DIET COKE
Damon Damon 2009-11-26
da da ling ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding
Dewey Dewey 2009-11-17
oh please stop telling people that you're asian... your tattoo alone is embarrassing enough, adding the shit you called for brain is just more salt to the wound for the rest of us.
alex alex 2009-11-15
I dont know whats worse the tattoo or that fat beer belly sticking out. It's just funny that you had CORE tattooed on your stomach, but what from I can see there is no core there, all fat!
DeAnges (G.S.S) DeAnges (G.S.S) 2009-11-13
Wait... your COUSIN charged you $500 to ink you with the family name.... He must be from the other side of the family huh? Seems a bit much to charge family. Got love for family pride though. Be proud of who you are and where you came from!
Hannibal Hannibal 2009-11-12
Avery Lore. You have occupied 4 spots in the bottom 10 for long enough. Remove your pics and let mythical crab reclaim it's rightful place.
Anna Anna 2009-11-12
Haha! You've been in prison? Oh gol I'm soooo scared. LOLOL you're just all pissy because some 7 foot tall guy made you his bitch, smoked a bunch of crack, and then gave you a tattoo. Btw, shitty linework. I don't know why you can't fucking see that.
keith keith 2009-11-11
What a shitty tat...$500? Talk aboout incest! lol

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