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arm tribal tattoo
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1 to 10 of 10 comments

saltypito saltypito 2009-09-23
you should just chop off your whole arm bro. that is horrible.
Molly Molly 2009-08-25
You are lucky it wasn't filled in, because it's still able to be covered with something much better.
du6ix du6ix 2009-08-05
its ok..hope he didnt charge much 4 those lines
cbbred cbbred 2008-08-17
It's okay...course it needs to be filled in (I would suggest shading and possibly a 3D affect to make it stand out)
But it looks so generic with no real individuality. Why is this different than the thousands of other tribal tattoos?
tattoosbykizzle tattoosbykizzle 2008-01-02
Horrible. Cover it.
Ben Ben 2007-06-24
Fortunately, this can be covered.
2x4 2x4 2007-04-29
looks like a non pro tattoo. i had sth similar fucked up on my back (just an outline like yours) and had it fixed. i suggest u do the same
GetInked GetInked 2005-07-17
it looks like the work of a new artist, could have been worse though, but its just going to be linework, i'd go to someone with more experience.
jay jay 2005-04-29
is it finished
Gizmo6807 Gizmo6807 2005-02-19
line woork does look a little shady..but then again line tats are harder to make look good compared to filled in tats

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