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Open Question: i want this tattoo but i dont want to completely copy it. help me make it unique ?
so i want this tattoo heres the link to tattoo http://inkbitetattoos.deviantart.com/art/Pain-is-Temporary-176440052 i dont want to completely copy this tattoo how can i make it different and uniqu
Open Question: Facial tattoos... WTF?
Open Question: How bad does my tattoo look?
It's a home tattoo, (big mistake) I just wanted to know if i over criticize it or it's really shit. I have others professionally done, this one's getting fixed soon. I just want honest opinions fro
Open Question: How bad does my tattoo look?
http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=izua37&s=5 http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2w562vr&s=5 And in my Avi are the only ones where I can find a decent looking shot of it. It says with hope comes faith,
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B&G By Paul Booth tattoo
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1 to 15 of 45 comments

toxicandy toxicandy 2006-11-27
Coooool :D Paul Booth is a great artist.
April April 2006-09-26
I dont get it but it looks painful enough to give a 10
ShadowLintu ShadowLintu 2006-02-07
Geez...hope you didn't need to be anywhere in a hurry. That's really cool-lookin.
freakybcgirl freakybcgirl 2005-10-14
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im speechless
spinal column kitten spinal column kitten 2005-08-08
Awesome, the dudes head looks a bit weird thuogh. But it's probably supposed to be like that.
StarStruck StarStruck 2005-07-14
Hot. Needs the hand fixed, very close to perfection.
Rachael Rachael 2005-02-18
How long did it take to get ink by paul booth??
Fuckin awesome
omgztheguns omgztheguns 2005-02-08
me go weeplops
skippy skippy 2005-01-25
dogs nads
bobble bobble 2005-01-20
Thats one of the sickest backpieces ive seen!!!!!
Stumpy_WestHam Stumpy_WestHam 2004-08-12
As with a lot of Paul Booth, the shading is far better than the actual outline. Reputation above substance.
daphne daphne 2004-07-24
That's a masterpiece!
larry larry 2004-07-10
there is a full back piece section to put this in fuck face
Urbancowgirl Urbancowgirl 2004-07-07
holy shit thats nice, amazing, i love it
InkSlave666 InkSlave666 2004-07-05
the right demons, left hand, isnt complete nor is the smoke at the bottom ..but either or all hail booth .

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