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SkankBag tattoo
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1 to 15 of 42 comments

AllForTheWisers AllForTheWisers 2006-04-25
wow.....some of you people really dont pay much attention to detail. its freakin celeb deathmatch.
Angelkisses Angelkisses 2005-10-06
Ok I get that it's from Celebrity Deathmatch... but who was that "tatt" suppose to be on?
jen jen 2005-08-12
it's not a manequin or drawn on or anything like that, it's from CELEBRITY DEATHMATCH jesus. so gay.
davesbabygurl davesbabygurl 2005-05-11
why the fuck would you ever do shit like that you are a complete idiot
beccakiwi beccakiwi 2005-05-08
Fake, and also lame
keli keli 2005-04-25
that's pretty funny that so many of you fell for that
krissykay krissykay 2005-04-11
it's a mannequin. relax people it's a joke.
jackie jackie 2005-04-02
hmm.. it goes over the belly button. shitty job at faking it.
WIZARD WIZARD 2004-12-06
gay ass body paint. stupid ass
PirateTink PirateTink 2004-12-04
What a wonderful thing to have on your body the rest of your life (if it's real that is).
zoomeat zoomeat 2004-11-29
if that [shit!] is real,i will suck your grand mother's cunt!
})i{( })i{( 2004-11-14
Louise?! Louise?! 2004-10-26
You shithead...why would you ever, EVER decided to put that on yourself.
bow chicka bow bow bow chicka bow bow 2004-10-06
thats fake...gotta be
Lovely Lovely 2004-08-21
Why the hell would you put that on yourself? In 20 years no one will even know who that is. Very Stupid!

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