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Open Question: i want this tattoo but i dont want to completely copy it. help me make it unique ?
so i want this tattoo heres the link to tattoo http://inkbitetattoos.deviantart.com/art/Pain-is-Temporary-176440052 i dont want to completely copy this tattoo how can i make it different and uniqu
Open Question: Facial tattoos... WTF?
Open Question: How bad does my tattoo look?
It's a home tattoo, (big mistake) I just wanted to know if i over criticize it or it's really shit. I have others professionally done, this one's getting fixed soon. I just want honest opinions fro
Open Question: How bad does my tattoo look?
http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=izua37&s=5 http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2w562vr&s=5 And in my Avi are the only ones where I can find a decent looking shot of it. It says with hope comes faith,
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Darwin fish tattoo
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1 to 7 of 7 comments

KennyShogun KennyShogun 2010-06-22
Reiligious people being narrow minded? Somewhat typical.

Great tatt!
Calm_Like_A_Bomb Calm_Like_A_Bomb 2008-10-03
Fuck what the bible humpers say. Its your body and you are free to express your beliefs with it, just like they express theirs with a cross. It must tell them in the bible somewhere to be rude to anyone who has different beliefs. Look out jews and muslums!
stargazer1978 stargazer1978 2007-11-16
Hey man, don't worry about the bible thumpers. You should delete their ignorant comments. The only people I've EVER met that had a problem with evolution are the uneducated hicks that are working on their GEDs. LOSERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great ink, too!
FSMloyal FSMloyal 2007-09-02
Hate to say it but you both are wrong. Jesus never existed and Darwin was wrong. The truth is that we were all created from and by the Flying Spaghetti Monster, and if you both don't change your ways you will feel the wrath of his noodle!:)FSM PAWNS!
xafod xafod 2007-08-16
Learn to think for yourself! Just because someone in a white collar tells you something doesn't mean it's true.
travis travis 2007-08-09
yeah thats stupid asshole... god made u and everything else as he will send you to hell if u dont change your thinking
Josh Josh 2006-08-29
looks like a CHEVY emblem

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