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RAGE- Chinease Charecter tattoo
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1 to 15 of 21 comments

handlebarmoustache handlebarmoustache 2009-04-24
judging by his spelling, his pocket translator told him it meant 'rage'...and if the pocket translator says so; it is so. Or not. loool ZERO!
ORION ORION 2007-05-05
Going to a different artist next time I hope...
Bob Bob 2006-11-18
Ahem. This character does NOT mean "rage." It means "bad." And that's quite appropriate, because it looks like it was written by a retarded five year-old.
Raider505 Raider505 2006-03-23
Hope you don't get the other "emotions". First, that tat looks like crap. Second, oh sorry my dragon emotion is getting the best of me gotta go.
LiLBit LiLBit 2006-02-15
shopping cart over a pot lol! love it!! LOL that was great
vsxlarkdyn vsxlarkdyn 2006-02-10
.. That doesn't mean rage at all. That means "bad".
Pegasus Pegasus 2006-01-27
it looks like a shopping cart over a pot. Why?!
got ink? got ink? 2005-12-18
this is why symbol tat's get a bad rap>>>>what the hell whereyou thinking? p.s. Learn to spell "Chinese".
Tag Tag 2005-11-19
wtf does demon and dragon stand for ? is that suppose to be a dumbass with a small dragon?
Lotte Lotte 2005-03-12
I'm a big lover of chinese symbols and its a good tattoo in general, i voted 9/10
TaTtOoD mOnK TaTtOoD mOnK 2004-09-13
it does kinda look like a shopping cart
Canadian Canadian 2004-08-19
Is there a chinese symbol for stupid-ass if there is you need to get it
Sarah Sarah 2004-07-21
chineese tats are stupid...get over it
bocefus bocefus 2004-03-19
i'd be full of rage too...if i got that sack-of-shit tattoo on me
horismoku horismoku 2003-12-22
If you are taking the time to put the character's on your body, you think you could spell "Chinese" right? fucking hilarious

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