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How to recreate body art, Coachella-style
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rate my ink tattoo pictures & designs
Biomechanical tattoo I did on a friend tattoo
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1 to 15 of 115 comments

Wicked Ink Wicked Ink 2015-11-29
Tattooing is a privilage, I cannot believe your friends are allowing you to disrespect them and their bodies with this garbage, you need MUCH more practice on fake skins or oranges before putting a needle in another person.
Dan Dan 2011-01-15
Go to guy? That's funny
you should be locked away or shot. . . or both
kristine kristine 2011-01-06
LOL. You shouldn't have done it for free. Whoever got stuck with that tatoo should've gotten paid! ALOT!!! -K
Inked Inked 2011-01-04
Hahahaha right hahaha. This tattoo suck's get real.
mwdtrs mwdtrs 2010-12-27
WTF? Your idea of a "freebie/favor" is to disfigure your friend? I'd hate to see what you'd do to your enemies, you f'ing shit-ass dumb fuck.
andy sparks andy sparks 2010-12-26
I would hate to think what you do not specialize in, this is awful, Rule 1, to tattoo you have to be able to draw. Put the machine down and find something else to do.
carly carly 2010-12-14
looks a lot like pen.
booty booty 2010-12-12
I think you are probably by now the go to guy for biomech ink.
I also think that maybe that guy aint your friend anymore?
5tats 5tats 2010-12-12
oh my god dude. listen to everyone here.... DROP THE GUN SIR!!!!
J-Mart J-Mart 2010-12-11
The day That this is number two on the wost rated tattoo list i will be very surprised that someone has a tattoo more terrible then this since it has been #1 for so long i think the only person who could beat it is yourself if you post another piece...
J-Mart J-Mart 2010-12-11
may god help us all if the day comes that you drug someone enough to let you tattoo them i will pray that day never comes. But hey look at the up side at least your Number One at something
J.R. J.R. 2010-12-08
Chuck, I'm not sure if you know this or not, but you are the go to guy for really good bio mechanical work, you're a legend in your own right. Don't sweat what everyone else thinks, your work is impeccable! Keep up the great work! No really, seriously.
bails bails 2010-12-07
You sad fuck....or comic genius, I laughed so hard I fell off my chair...thankyou so much biomech specialist who cant shade yet!!!
Gimpie Gimpie 2010-12-07
here's some advice, give up tattooing.......

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