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Open Question: i want this tattoo but i dont want to completely copy it. help me make it unique ?
so i want this tattoo heres the link to tattoo http://inkbitetattoos.deviantart.com/art/Pain-is-Temporary-176440052 i dont want to completely copy this tattoo how can i make it different and uniqu
Open Question: Facial tattoos... WTF?
Open Question: How bad does my tattoo look?
It's a home tattoo, (big mistake) I just wanted to know if i over criticize it or it's really shit. I have others professionally done, this one's getting fixed soon. I just want honest opinions fro
Open Question: How bad does my tattoo look?
http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=izua37&s=5 http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2w562vr&s=5 And in my Avi are the only ones where I can find a decent looking shot of it. It says with hope comes faith,
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Miz Dixie tramp stamp tattoo
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16 to 30 of 73 comments

mr moon boots mr moon boots 2010-06-24
nice i wud bend u right over an do u doggy
georgia rebel georgia rebel 2010-06-16
I think its cool. As for the BROTHER IN THE WHITE HOUSE THE wORST THING i SEE cHANGED IS tHE Oil SPILL IN THE Gulf Keeps GroWing and his monkeY ASs Ain't DoinG shit Cause hE is in BPs pocket.Nice Tat bOO bOO
BooBooKittyFuck BooBooKittyFuck 2010-06-14
and if I was a meth head or crack head, I would be just like you: without a home, without a job, without friends, etc...
Instead, I have 2 houses, a nice ride, 2 businesses and anything else I want.

what do u have? a F-A-T - A-S-S with shit smears?
BooBooKittyFuck BooBooKittyFuck 2010-06-14
as for sistaskank, "GO AWAY NIGGER! I DON'T OWN YOU!"

and you might try getting an education soon?
also...now that there's a nigger in the white house, WHO ARE Y'ALL GONNA BLAME NOW? The "MAN" that used to keep you down is now BLACK! (man = government)
BooBooKittyFuck BooBooKittyFuck 2010-06-14
hey Shameless, no, I'm not really racist, I just like giving that blob sistaskank a hard time. If u read on, she started this over my tat, which is my NAME, which isn't racist @all. She says stupid shit 2 me, so I feed her fire with my own mixture. FUN :-P
SistaLove SistaLove 2010-06-14
Hell yeah BooBooMethmouthFuck bitch is racist. all dumb trailer hoes is thats why they all pissed they got a brotha running they cuontry now white people time is OVER MOTHAFUCKAS!!!!!!111!!11
shameless shameless 2010-06-14
lol. wow. you have hostility following you.. so, i don't see the tattoo being racist, at all, but you are racist though, right? Just a question, don't need alot of people talking shit. Just curious.
BooBooKittyFuck BooBooKittyFuck 2010-06-14
Hey Sistaskank! Why don't you bring your mumu wearing lard ass down to Daytona Beach & see how much crack I can jam up your fat ass before I feed you to the gators? I ain't skeered. BRING IT BITCH!
BooBooKittyFuck BooBooKittyFuck 2010-06-14
Why doesn't the ape learn to stop stirring the shit?
Listen close niggerskank. I have NEVER let a spook touch me. I'll go 2 my grave w/out ever havin jungle fever. I don't hang out with your kind. I must be predijuice then. So be it. FUCK YOU.
SistaLove SistaLove 2010-06-14
I bet the brothas you trade sex for crack with gets a kick out of blowing they load on your racist tramp stamp
Jesus Jesus 2010-06-05
why does everybody keep thinking this is racistits its just a rebel/battle flag lots of countries have them some people should stay in school and actually learn something whil they're there
grunta grunta 2010-05-15
This is total classic reading, it cracks me up!! I needed a good laugh!! You'll never move forward in the world if you keep living in the past!!
BooBooKittyFuck BooBooKittyFuck 2010-03-02
& why does evry1 ASSUme crackhead or meth for me? I don't do drugs. I smoke marijuana, nothing else. I don't smoke cigs & I'm not much of a drinker, so fuck off U idiots. It's probably ur own crutches & ur too ashamed of urselves so u call others what u R!
BooBooKittyFuck BooBooKittyFuck 2010-03-02
jynxz is a chink moron that needs to be Hooked on Phonics!
jynxz jynxz 2010-03-01
racist bitchh yew are a kkk white crackk whoe lol lmfao

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