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Comments made by Boston
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16 to 29 of 29 comments

Boston Boston 2005-07-13 Boston tattoo
one arm thats deformed at the shoulder.......
Boston Boston 2005-07-13 Boston tattoo
Why do these boring ppl who get the same butterfly tattoo in the same spot as everyone in the entire world bother to post them here? Seen it, rated it, now fuck off!
Boston Boston 2005-07-13 Boston tattoo
Where are you going to put the babies?
Boston Boston 2005-07-11 Boston tattoo
burning leaves out in the back 40..........crappy
Boston Boston 2005-07-11 Boston tattoo
Great job with the actual work and colors, and I love the design too!
Boston Boston 2005-07-11 Boston tattoo
A classy tattoo!
Boston Boston 2005-07-11 Boston tattoo
The word itself was obviously chosen for deeper meaning that most ppl won't understand...Good for you! Love it!
Boston Boston 2005-07-11 Boston tattoo
Looks like your arm is putrid with decay or something........not a good shade!
Boston Boston 2005-07-11 Boston tattoo
ummmmmmmm,you think that's good?????
Boston Boston 2005-07-10 Boston tattoo
Great! I like it when ppl put out a message!
Boston Boston 2005-07-10 Boston tattoo
He doesn't give a rat's ass if ppl like it or not!!!! Thats the whole point of putting a word that means alot to you on your very public body parts!!!!!!!!! I love it!
Boston Boston 2005-07-10 Boston tattoo
Holy Crap!!!!!!!!! I freakin' LOVE that you got that done! A message for yourself...wayyyyyyyy cool!
Boston Boston 2005-07-10 Boston tattoo
Love it cuz you chose an unusual spot for it...........
Boston Boston 2005-07-10 Boston tattoo
6 for originality of the tattoo itself,and the colors are great which makes you a ten sweetie!

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