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Comments made by monkeyG
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16 to 30 of 159 comments

monkeyG monkeyG 2009-01-14 monkeyG tattoo
We all do a better job thab steevynix when it comes to web etiquette.


I like your dragonfly...and your blue toenails. ;)
monkeyG monkeyG 2009-01-14 monkeyG tattoo
looks like a superhero symbol...Green Arrow or Green Lantern...pretty cool I guess
monkeyG monkeyG 2009-01-14 monkeyG tattoo
Interesting comment by Shelley. Research says the human brain is drawn to and finds beauty in symmetry, but maybe that only applies to faces. I actually have to agree with exactly what she said, it's nice but the beautiful part of nature is its randomness
monkeyG monkeyG 2009-01-14 monkeyG tattoo
I like it...it scares me...but I like it.
monkeyG monkeyG 2009-01-14 monkeyG tattoo
Larry is obviously ignorant about depression, and probably alot of other things. Until you've experienced that level of despair and hopelessness...shutup. It is an illness, not a logical thing, so stop trying to apply logic. All that said...nice tattoo.
monkeyG monkeyG 2009-01-14 monkeyG tattoo
Okay, I GUARANTEE Alex isn't the only one that had that thought about the two petals...but he IS an ass for posting it. The two petals could also symbolize the two of them...he "fell" but she was always by his side...hmmm?
monkeyG monkeyG 2009-01-14 monkeyG tattoo
Cool design...sexy. Now PLEASE don't mess it up by getting a lower back tattoo!
monkeyG monkeyG 2008-11-28 monkeyG tattoo
Why don't people realize this is a horrible / inappropriate area of the body for tributes to loved ones? I especially like this message of "my kids kick my ass"!
monkeyG monkeyG 2008-11-28 monkeyG tattoo
Did Napolean Dynamite draw that for you? "It took me like 4 hours to do the coloring on the mane..."
monkeyG monkeyG 2008-11-23 monkeyG tattoo
By the way...I like some of your songs, particularly "It's All Over Now". I'll be sure to keep an eye out for your Christmas album...just kidding.
monkeyG monkeyG 2008-11-23 monkeyG tattoo
Why couldn't a God have certain human attributes despite not being human? The Bible does say we are made in God's image afterall. An orange is a sphere like a baseball, and yet it is not a baseball. Fact is you are starved for attention, get over it.
monkeyG monkeyG 2008-11-20 monkeyG tattoo
What makes you think you know my conception of God? You say the Christian God cannot exist because such an entity would defy comprehension, but many things exist that defy comprehension.
monkeyG monkeyG 2008-11-14 monkeyG tattoo
The Alaskan flag has a nipple on it? Just kidding-actually this is kinda cool.
monkeyG monkeyG 2008-11-14 monkeyG tattoo
and there you have it. with that last comment you revealed the true depth of your ignorance of Christianity, so why do you even have this tat? God is not a "man," does not live "in the sky", and would not be defined as "magical".
monkeyG monkeyG 2008-10-19 monkeyG tattoo
I'm not even taking a side here, but Charles said he had 666 on his back. The sign of the beast? Seems like a big "fairy tale" to me. Also, this tattoo isn't "anti-religion", it's anti-crucifixion, which would be a pro-Jesus message. Or anti letter t?

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